Take your next steps in removing your personal information from the web
Scan for your data for FREE and claim our exclusive offer of 30% off an annual subscription!

Here’s how to run your FREE scan and claim your discount:

  1. Create a Free Account and set up a profile
  2. Head to the Subscription Tab to choose an 'Individual' or 'Family' account
  3. Once on the checkout page, enter the Promo Code "meprism30" to claim 30% off an annual subscription!
Personal Information Removal
We are more than just a service - We're committed to keeping your private life truly private.
Prevent financial losses from phishing, ransomware, and other cyber scams.
Digital Peace
of Mind
Navigate the digital landscape with confidence, knowing your personal information is shielded from the public.
How mePrism works
1. Personal Details
Create an account and set up your profile with basic information such as name, date of birth, address, etc. We encrypt this data so that you stay protected.
2. Scan
We scan the internet and data brokers to uncover where your PII is exposed and sold. See the findings on your dashboard.
3. Remove
3. Remove
We use automation and legal intervention to remove profiles from the most stubborn sites. We update you through your privacy dashboard.
4. Persist & Monitor
We continuously scan the web to ensure your information doesn't reappear and remove it whenever it does. mePrism keeps an eye out for you, always.

Listen to the experts

  • Sandra Matz - Professor at Columbia Business School and author of Mindmasters (forthcoming)

    Taking control of our personal data means reclaiming control over our lives and the choices we make. MePrism Privacy makes it easy for people to remove unconsented data from the internet. It's a critical step towards a more equitable data ecosystem in which consumers own and benefit from their data.

  • Bruce Schneier

    As I wrote in Data and Goliath "Today’s technology gives governments and corporations robust capabilities for mass surveillance. Mass surveillance is dangerous. It enables discrimination based on almost any criteria: race, religion, class, political beliefs. It is being used to control what we see, what we can do, and, ultimately, what we say. It is being done without offering citizens recourse or any real ability to opt out, and without any meaningful checks and balances. It makes us less safe. It makes us less free... We need to fix that, and we need to do it very soon." mePrism Privacy is a step in the right direction.

  • Charles Carmakal – CTO, Mandiant Consulting, Google Cloud

    Threat actors and scammers exploit personal information that’s publicly available and easy to find. It’s important for individuals to remove their home addresses and phone numbers from the hundreds of data brokers that make the information freely available. While it’s possible to manually request the removal from each individual data broker website, the process is tedious, time consuming, and often requires follow-on requests as data brokers repopulate your information back into their databases months after removal. mePrism Privacy helps individuals and organizations streamline the removal process and reduce personal information exposure.

Free Privacy Scan
No credit card required


Find your leaked data on Google and data broker sites
See your results in minutes in your Privacy Dashboard
Customer Support and self-help resources
Individual - Annual
$299.99 billed annually

$24.99 per month

Removal from Google and dozens of data broker websites
Persistent scanning every 30 days with continuous removals
Alerts when your data reappears online
Privacy Dashboard and progress reports
Priority Customer Support
Family - Annual
$349.99 billed annually

$29.16 per month

Covers two people
Removal from Google and dozens of data broker websites
Persistent scanning every 30 days with continuous removals
Alerts when your data reappears online
Privacy Dashboard and progress reports
Priority Customer Support