How mePrism protects your privacy
We are a data privacy company located in Carlsbad, CA. We remove your personal information from the internet to help protect you from cyber threats.
How it works
Locate your information with our scan. Create an account and profile. We’ll scan hundreds of data broker websites and show you where your data is exposed.
Subscribe to remove your information. We systematically contact data broker websites and compel them to remove your data.
Peace of mind with continuous monitoring. We monitor the web for new sites and send progress reports.
The details
Here’s a step-by-step guide to removing your information with mePrism.
Locate your information with our privacy scan
Create a profile. We need your name, city, state, and birthday to locate your information on data broker websites. Prior addresses and alternative names will help us find more results.
Sign an Authorization Letter. We’ll act on your behalf to exercise your rights under state privacy laws, including CPRA.
View your results. Your Privacy Dashboard shows the sites that are exposing your data.
Subscribe to remove your information from the internet
mePrism’s begins removing your information. Your privacy dashboard will keep you up to date on the removal progress.
Monitor and progress updates
Removing your information may take time, ranging from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the site. We scan your account to ensure your information doesn’t reappear online. We’ll send you progress reports to keep you up to date.
Protect your social media privacy with our privacy tools
Our social media privacy tools are available to subscribers in our mobile app. Manage how Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter collect and share your data.
Security and Privacy
Your data is encrypted with the same protocols used by banks and governments. We do not sell your data and we are not affiliated with data brokers. For more information, please refer to our privacy policy.